Wednesday 29 April 2015

P.S : I "STILL" Love You ...!!!!

3 days… It has been 3 days since anybody has seen him. No news. No trails. Why would he even do that!!! I was doing my best to take care of him, right? Now they keep me worrying that he is never to return. I want to keep my hopes in high spirits.

We were so happy together. He was always there for me when I needed a shoulder. And I would stand against the world for him. It was hard for me to be without him even over a weekend. He used to wait and wait and wait till its Sunday evening, so that we meet up again and be together. Aaahhh!!! Nobody has ever loved me the way he used to.

Those kisses and hugs were all of so much affection and passion. He loved leaning on my lap on every starry night. He loved it when I fed him with my hands. J. I was never so affectionate to anybody ever before. He was renowned even at my work place and they had fables built-up for our sweet connection. I had even introduced him to a couple of my colleagues as well J.

[…Flashing back a few years...Dec 26th 2006...]
AAArrrrrrggghhhh…!!!! My feet are dirty and I don’t have a choice other than to walk, walk and walk in the muddy rain. Capital city was clad in slurpy chocolate that day, because of the rain. A day after Christmas. Julie and I exchanged our Christmas gifts in the Fast Passenger bus. J. It was Julie’s birthday that day. Know what? You won’t believe!!! She had this megalomania of being born on a Christmas day. But later in 2006, she found out that it was a slight miscalculation by the astrologer. :D… Phew!!! One gone down…

We had to find a place to stay. On our mission to “gain real time work experience” and to check out IT geeks, we headed to the Capital city in search of internship openings as part of our curriculum exercises.

We followed the pointers and the directions. Finally reached my 7 year destiny. [Nobody goes out of here very easily]. I pushed the gate doors open into the spooky green cob web.  There he was standing looking at me with his wide open round black eyes. Who knew that one day he would become one of the most important guys in my life!! 

Nobody was around. I walked towards him and was just about to open a friendly conversation and suddenly the mess lady came over and poured on us all the details of the stay and food and the rates, and even the rules. Decisions were quick, except for Penny. Her father had to come and inspect the place twice to get her the admission fees.

He had a gloomy face which caught my attention and I wanted to keep him happy how much ever I could. From day one, we became friends and my days and nights were full and never empty anymore.

Penny and I were literally having a race of rage to spend a minute more with him and to please him in every possible way. I was content that I own him as “mine”, but Penny had her red heart beat for him, just the way I did. I pretended to not notice. But lucky for her, subject to market risks I had to invest next two years away from him [I got a job, 800Kms away from him L]. Life took a weird-o-weird dive into deep shi*. Mostly daily calls, emails and such shared pictures kept the “fun-loving me” alive in the happening yet boring city. Know what? I never sang a tune back there. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. [I sing all the time. Be at work or off-work]. I somehow managed a couple of trips to and fro and eventually settled down in the cob web [the dormitory]. Julie’s marriage was one of those memorable trips :P. And not farther in time was Penny’s marriage leaving him all to myself to love and to care for.

He had his own food interests and his other interests included new good looking tall legs. For the ill-health he has faced, both critical and simple, For the fights he has been into, For the attacks he had to face from people around, For his secret and evident fears and dislikes, either I took the heat of the moment or burst into flames in the outrage of the situation.

[Flashing some years forward...]
A break for lunch… Meeeow!! Meeeow!!! [That’s how my phone rings] My warden has a good news to share. “HE IS BACK”. I heard it with half an ear and rushed back to see him, though weak, but back in my arms. One of the most grateful moments in my life. He was down with jaundice.

Mom grew fast and furious on my mention about how much I wanted him to be a part of my life. I had to keep annoying her for a pretty huge volume of TIME, to put this idea upto Dad’s desk. To my surprise, he instantly approved the proposal and I literally floated in air for a fraction of a second to tap my feet :D.

He never expressed his love for me in words, but I could very well see those droplets of love in his twinkling dark eyes. J. He came home and we all were happy with him around. His affable nature and lovely looks attracted everybody at home and he very soon grabbed a very special place at home.

He hated water. I had to pull him and lock him up in the bathroom to give him a bath. He hated bread and milk, but loved sugar. He ate just fish and chicken. He was scared of lightening and crackers. He liked good looking girls. He fought with cats and monkeys and often caught scars on face and properly got his eyeballs scratched.  He left me again for the second time. But, this time he did wait for me, to give me a goodbye kiss. J.

My dhonu, the naughtiest, spoilt and most stubborn 8 year old PUPPY. His best was, over a week without food because he was not served chicken or fish. He made sure that I was brought to my knees and flew kites of my vegan principles for his obstinacy. J. In return of the favour I loved to dress him up in ladies slips and ribbons tied to his ear lobes :P.. [he looked super cute]. His Leash Locket still jingles closeby just the way it sounded when he climbed the stairs. J 
P.S: I Love you....

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